Days 6 & 7— my IF keto journey
Day 6
Weight: 77 kg
Mood: could be better
We woke up to a white town this morning. Everything was covered in thick snow (and it was still snowing), including my pots on the balcony. Oops, I hope my seeds are doing fine.
I know the weight is going down and up and it’s not a problem, I’m used to that, the issue I have is with the headache and the general state of sickness. It should be over in a few days, though, so I’ll just prepare some strong herbal tea and start drinking (after breaking my fast, of course).
For lunch I brought some of those schnitzels made last night, some cottage cheese with cream, the remaining seed crackers and veggies. It’s probably too much again, we’ll see, nobody will make me eat it all, especially with this state of sickness.
Later: It seems like I forgot to post this because I thought it was too short, so I’ll just add day 7 to the same post.
On Monday I felt almost as crappy as during the weekend. I have no doubts that the virus I got is nearly done with me (I know it’s a virus because my hubby has the same symptoms and he’s not eating like me), but the headache and the overall lack of energy is unacceptable for me, so of course I didn’t just lull around.
I finished the shawl I was working on and I gave myself a deadline for finishing the pattern (thankfully, it’s super easy, so it should write itself at this point), but somehow I always underestimate how much work there is in publishing even the simplest pattern. I plopped myself in front of my laptop and started working on it quite late in the evening.
Day 7
Weight: 76.9 kg
Mood: slightly better
I don’t have a lot to say, not yet. I’m a bit better, drinking the tea I forgot to make yesterday (it gives an illusion of sweetness, but it doesn’t break my fast, even so, maybe I’m used to that by now, yay). I prepared one of those fish spread dishes yesterday, hopefully today I’ll be able to finish those crackers, finally. I’ll have the last three for lunch and then I’ll be able to make another (thinner) batch tonight, this time adding more liquid and leaving the cumin aside (I like it, but it overpowers everything else).
I started another IF week on my app, this time just with 16/8, as it seems the best for me, so far. The app says I’ve fasted for 300 hours and lost 1 kg, but that’s probably not correct. I will not trust those numbers, I trust my body. My body says I’m much better now, overall, and that carbs are not too bad. Maybe I’ll keep on doing keto during the week and give it up during the weekends, we’ll see.