Missed all the points, David. Why did I even read this to the end? Oh well...
I watched the movie many years ago, but I'll never forget it and some memorable scenes. That makes it a good story, in my opinion, albeit sexist (is it because it's a product of its time or because society in general accepts sexism?).
I don't remember if I finished the book, but you missed the point anyway, as Tyler is not a separate person. Tyler is an alternative "personality" of the bleak Narrator who "has no life". Tyler is "interesting" and has emotions, can take decisions and even act on his fantasies of terrorism - which bear discussion, sure, being a terrorist doesn't make you or your life interesting.
Remember the insomnia? The narrator thinks he's cured, that he sleeps, when instead he leads a separate life as Tyler. That's why Marla is confused, she spends so much time with this guy that acts differently from one hour to the other. Some say he has DID. I say it's DID coded.
Once you realize this, you have to read/watch the story from the beginning with this in mind. And things will click in place. Then you'll stop hating this story and understand why it has such a strong following and why certain people care for it so much.